Creative Anti-Theft Devices for Vehicles

Strolling across a large parking lot, we can see vehicles of all shapes and sizes. We can probably also make out a variety of anti-theft devices as well. For the higher-end cars, they obviously stand out, and the security systems are probably top notch. We can see why they want to spend just a little bit extra to protect what they already spent a lot for.

Then there are the middle level of vehicles that often come equipped with some kind of basic security feature, perhaps an alarm, or perhaps keyless entry, or perhaps the driver bought something to hook around the steering wheel.

What about the rest of us? The next level, or the lower level, of vehicles which do not obviously draw much attention in parking lots, except for its lack of features and overall ugliness. I would argue that it is also important to consider anti-theft devices for this group, especially this group, because with less disposable income, they probably could least afford to lose what they have. They may also have to use their vehicles as make-shift storage because of lack of space elsewhere.

For this group, obviously pricey anti-theft devices are out of the question. I have experimented with a few economical means of making my vehicle a deterrent towards theft. I carry a lot of coupons, so it’s important to keep these out of view. If you have too many, then at least hide the conspicous ones that have the word “FREE” on them. No matter how undesirable the vehicle itself is, “FREE” will draw the attention of anyone.

Another method I use is to put scotch tape on chips and ‘spider’ cracks on my windshield, instead of fixing each chip or replacing the entire windshield.  Sometimes by putting my frugality and resourcefulness right up front, it shows to others that I’m just trying my best to keep it together, and it may even stir some reflective emotions among passersby.  It’s definitely a ‘band-aid’ solution, but it’s less costly than surgery.

And if we must carry a lot of materials in the vehicle, and it can’t be fit in the trunk, I try to use partly torn cardboard boxes, garbage bags, and even old cereal boxes. If someone does want to take a look, and pry in, go ahead; however, with the time a thief will have to take to get through all the mess to find my gold, rookie hockey card, and NFL football, the cops would have arrived or the thief may be too fatigued to run.

Happy driving and peace of mind parking!

-Patrick Law




Filed under Detours: Psychology of Driving

10 responses to “Creative Anti-Theft Devices for Vehicles

  1. Excellent advise! I might add that one who is bold might leave a few tampons and maxi pads strewn on the seat or dash board. These things seem to scare most men away from my ride.

  2. Hello ‘Betme’. Thanks for taking time to visit this blog. Glad to hear your enthusiasm and that you liked the driving/parking humour. I love your response! Another great creative idea.

    We definitely need these kind of thoughts, and variations, to make life interesting. And nothing like tampons to elicit the reaction you desire. Not that I’m likely going to find your car in my area, hehe, but I’m going to look hard for maxi pads on the dashboard and think of your personification.

    You are obviously at peace with your parking!

    Thanks for the ideas…

  3. Kent

    Yes, a topic I have a keen interest in. I guess it’s a little hard for me to relate since my trunk is almost always empty and I rarely ever leave things in the passenger compartment.

    Have you thought of the flip side? Instead of a “band-aid solution”, perhaps you should be looking at the root cause of your predicament and examine why you need to keep so many things in the car? Is it some deep seeded flightiness away from stability? Is there a need to keep these worldly possessions in a portable package so that you can transport them away at a moment’s notice?

    Just a thought. 🙂

    – Kent

  4. Hey Kent,
    Good to hear from a familiar voice! As soon as I read a few lines, I knew…that is Kent’s style. I like your kind of psychological angle on this post. Yes, you’re right, a ‘band-aid solution’ is usually used to cover something up. In this case, it’s perhaps covering something up more than the possessions in the vehicle; the whole story was maybe written to cover up or maybe to lift the cover off some need.

    Is it about value? Are we protecting something? Is it an act that reveals having memories travel with you and doing little symbolic gestures to protect what is meaningful?

    I’m not sure, but your comments definitely have made me reflect some more. I wonder how much more intense matters are when it is our hearts that we are trying to find anti-theft devices for?


  5. Wonderful advice. I also enjoy Betme’s add-on. I have found that if I drive our car after my teenage daughter, thieves steer clear. Seems bashed in sides and missing tail light covers scream “Poor person, parent of teenager!”

  6. Good to hear your voice again, Sheri!
    There seems to be theme going on here about the female ‘scent’ scaring off unwanted eyes. Perhaps I should consider ‘femininizing’ my car.

  7. Shkitty

    I wish someone would steal my car. Nobody wants to steal a ’99 Intrepid. Maybe it’s the Raider Stickers. Maybe people are hesitant because they suspect they may get pelted with ‘D’ cell batteries. Have you considered decorating you ride with Oakland Raiders stuff? Could be very cheap, too, if your car is like every other car on the road and already silver. Just add black.

  8. It’s Shkitty! Welcome to the blog and thanks for visiting. Hope to hear lots of your comments in the future, as you definitely have a distinctive voice. I’ll even excuse the Raider plugs, hehehe.

    Here we are talking about preventing theft, and you blatantly want yours stolen. But you do have a method in your madness, as that is an effective deterrent in itself. The more we leave our doors open, the more we want somebody to take, the less likely it is to happen…is that right?

    I admit, Oakland Raider decorations will scare many away. But I can’t do it. You know why? Because it’ll scare me away from my own vehicle!

  9. dolf

    Pat- your ideas are all good, and legal but lack a certain flair… Yes, it is a real device. Sure, you have to be with the car when somebody tries to steal it and as far as I know they are not legal anywhere on the continent (perhaps Texas?) but if you travel to S. Africa you can give it a whirl.

  10. Dolf,
    And here I was thinking the Raiders costumes were scary. Well, I don’t think much in the world can beat the video that your provided. I’m all for protecting my car, my memories, my interpretations, but the device in the video, the flames, would probably make it look like I am trying to hide something that potentially could topple a government.

    I’ll tell you what though. When, or if, I feel satisfied with a short story I’ve written, I’ll hide it in my car and protect it with your security idea. I’ll then activate it whenever I have the urge to edit or change the story.

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